Construction and do-it-yourself market Pevex,
Vukovar (HR)



New construction and do-it-yourself center PEVEX in Vukovar (Croatia). It is a classic, jointless industrial floor with field sizes of about 500 m² and 200 mm slab thickness. The customer asked for a risk-free solution consisting of a synthetic fibre in combination with a static design. Supported and carried out by Duly d.o.o., one of the most renowned industrial floor builders in Croatia and partner of Contec Fiber.


Advantages of Fibrofor High Grade Solution:

  • Cost reduction (shorter construction time, much less steel mesh installation)
  • Reduction of early-shrinkage cracks in concrete and increasing the wear resistance
  • Possibility of joint-less slab constructions for lower maintenance costs
  • Ability to work with concrete core activation system
  • Tailor made static calculation based on latest standard

Application Industrial flooring
Object Do-it-yourself market
Size 5 000 m²
Country Croatia
Year 2019
Fibre Fibrofor High Grade