Techinical Support
Unique Swiss success story
Unique Swiss success story
Thanks to our more than 30 years of experience and our highly qualified staff, we are able to accompany architects, engineers and builders from the beginning of the project. Our proven track record in completed projects allows us to deliver the optimal solutions in terms of quality, cost and reduction of carbon footprint.
Durch unsere mehr als 30-jährige Erfahrung und unser hochqualifiziertes Personal sind wir in der Lage, Architekten, Ingenieure und Bauherren von Beginn des Projekts an zu begleiten. Unsere nachgewiesene Erfolgsbilanz bei ausgeführten Projekten ermöglicht es uns, die optimale Lösungen zu liefern hinsichtlich Qualität, Kosten und Reduzierung des CO2-Fußabdrucks.
Depending on the project, element or component, our engineering department will investigate a reduction or possibly complete replacement of conventional steel reinforcement or steel fibre reinforcement. Taking into account the different conditions such as loads, concrete class, dimensions, substrate, formwork or based on existing calculations, we determine the most suitable fibre and its dosage. The reports or recommendations prepared by Contec Fiber AG are based on currently valid standards and guidelines.
Our sales and technical team, complemented by our competent partners around the world, ensures the necessary proximity to answer all questions on site that arise in all phases of the project. We attach particular importance to ensuring that the desired fibre concrete solution is successful on the construction site or in the precast factory.
Unser Vertriebs- und Technikteam, ergänzt durch unsere kompetenten Partner in der ganzen Welt, sorgt für die nötige Nähe, um vor Ort alle Fragen zu beantworten, die sich in allen Phasen des Projekts ergeben. Wir legen besonderen Wert darauf, sicherzustellen, dass die gewünschte Faserbetonlösung auf der Baustelle oder im Fertigteilwerk zum Erfolg führt.
Due to our broad expertise in the applications of synthetic fibres and natural fibres in concrete, we are able to answer many questions. Whatever question you may have, we are here to help you. Don’t hesitate to contact us.