Production hall & Warehouse – Dana Hungary Kft ,
Győr (HU)
New construction of the production hall and warehouse for the automotive specialist Dana Hungary Kft. It is a classic industrial floor with cut joints at a distance of 6 x 6 m. The customer asked for a risk-free solution consisting of a synthetic fibre in combination with a static design based on the current European standards. Supported by AVERS Fiber Kft., our qualified partner in Hungary.
Advantages of Fibrofor High Grade Solution:
- Cost reduction (shorter construction time, much less steel mesh installation)
- Reduction of early-shrinkage cracks in concrete and increasing the wear resistance
- Tailor made static calculation based on latest standards
- No visible fibres on the surface
- All kind of surface treatment possible (also coating)
Application Industrial flooring
Object Productionhall & Warehouse
Size 20 000 m²
Country Hungary
Year 2017-2019
Fibre Fibrofor High Grade